nibbling at the architecture; byrdsongs

This is basically an electronic notebook.Mostly urban detritus and journal motives, my thinkings and supporting pictures.Have a look make a comment.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Faith 47 and Rowan collaboration

He's got a content shortfall without her, shes gunna have every other timelaps production piece without him.

Faith47-The Cape Of Good Hope from Rowan on Vimeo.

Not entirely sure how i feel (slash mentally place the activity and therefore myself) about shuffling stuff around on the webs. You find it you share a/my path, you dont you go somewhere else interesting and we share that diversity. Mental diversity, forget comfort and familiarity. bring your head and extend/confront/contradict mine.
...So for now im goina pretend this is here so i can find it easily later and remember to check the other Faith47 stuff posted by rowan...

something else instead of sleeping

Time lapse aerosol graffiti promo video commissioned by Paramount for the UK West end movie premiere of 'Watchmen' 2009. executed by 'End of the line' artists: Bleach, Probs, Busk and Zadok. Music by Pyro
Blah blah blah, i love that they rework a space to make this muevee and nobody gets an object at the end. I wonder outloud about the throwing up of outlines, even as chalkies, are these guys so good as to block in and fill as they go? My monies on a projecter between sessions off camera. Which i dont mind. Never mind that "its not graff if you dont freehand" it, how about its not graff if anyone gets to keep it! blahblahblahblah...

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


olde skull

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Action from Acton

In other exciting news, this Al Stark (link here when confirmed blog existence) was in town to produce a massive commission. MASSIVE. Dudes produced the whole thing inside a glass wall. Mind bending process, but powerful result. Check it out the back of the Parlour bar(dont know the names of the other 2 joints sorry).
Layer two in the production process, more typically 2nd to last.

The view from the artist side of the glass.
Tidy little details happening , makes for a slow process, but sweet result.

excited by this

Nothing but letters - The book
Posted by: vitostreet in book, street photos, tags: Graffiti book

Nothing But Letters est un livre de 1 kg 300, de 240 pages avec une couverture entoilée et frappée de son logo jaune.livre de typograffiti et d’expériences picturales sur le théme du spraycan graffiti art.

Le projet de ce livre est de fournir aux lecteurs une aproche de la partie du graffiti la moins compris et pourtant la plus répendue: le lettrage.La complexité de certains styles rends le lettrage abstrait pour la plupart du public initié ou non.

Ce livre est partagé en quatre partie:


l’histoire des deux principaux protagonistes de cet ouvrage, Lotfi “Yko” Hammadi et Fred “lek” Malek, depuis la fin des années 80 à nos jours.Cette histoire retrace leur début, l’évolution de leur technique et de leur regard sur cet art alternatif dont ils sont acteurs.Des tunnels de metro au toiles en passant par les personnages et l’élaboration de styles en tout genre.ils sont à même de proposer maintenant cette étude de la “Lettre”.

is the history of the work of the two main protagonist Lotfi “Yko” Hammadi et Fred “lek” Malek, from the end of the 80’s to today.This account depicts their beginning, their technical and stylistic evolution,and their vision on this art movement, in which they are taking part. From subwaytunnels to traditional canvas, via characters and all kinds of styles, they now introduce this research in letters.


La partie la plus importante est consacrée à cette recherche de “typograffiti”. Plus de 800 lettres sont proposées, tout l’alphabet est revisité, ce répertoire de lettres est offert aux lecteurs désirant avoir une base afin de les copier. Plusieurs styles y sont explorés. Le but est d’habituer l’oeil du non initié à mieux comprendre ces “masses de couleurs abstraites” qui sont dessinées sur les murs ou autres, c’est une voie vers le déchiffrage d’un art qui n’est compris que partiellement. Pour les confirmés, c’est une base à développer, déformer, grossir, diminuer encore plus afin de se l’approprier.

The most important part of the book is dedicated to the research of “typograffiti”.The alphabet is revised entirely, interpreted in more than 800 letters and in many different styles, as it is also meant to be offered as a reference library for the reader. The aim is to get the amateur eye of the reader used to this ‘ mass of abstract lettering in order to be able to decipher what is actually written on the walls, which may allow to understand fully an artform which is today only partially understood.For the initiated, the alphabets are meant to serve as a playground for manipulation, a first draft to deform, exaggerate,enlarge, diminish, etc, in order to make it the user’s own.


Après la partie théorique, nous avons mis en pratique des peintures inédites avec un panel assez large de spraycan graffiti artistes parisiens : Midi, War, Jay, Echo, Gorey, Swen, Horphé, Zeki, Cezam et bien d’autres encore, qui vont expliquer leur démarche afin d’éclaircir au plus grand nombre le pourquoi du comment. Une mise en valeur photographique de ces artistes d’un art enrichi par sa diversité et sa complexité technique.

After theory comes practise, ie. painting, and those who practise this art. We present never before published Parisian spraycan artist such as Midi, War, Jay, Swen, Echo,Gorey, Horphée, Zeki, Cesam and many more, sharing and explaining their personal views and experiences on graffiti, again maybe throwing more light onto what this really is. Photos underline the portraits of these artists, aswell as showing an immense diversity in technique and complexity.


La derniére partie est dediée à l’élaboration de peintures, des essais sur des techniques, des mises en oeuvre des lettrages:disparition des contours, mélanges des masses, superpostion des lettres, dripping, multi-lignes….Penser et faire les lettres et les peintures differemment

The last part is dedicated to the elaboration of spraycan painting, trials on various techniques and colours, lettering, lettering without outlines, layering of letters, dripping, multi-lines..trials in thinking and painting differently from the traditional ways.

-Les inédits de Nothing But Letters.

Editeur : Editions Alternatives (19 mars 2009)
Collection : WASTED TALENT A
Langue : Français/ English


This entry was posted on Friday, April 17th, 2009 at 7:27 pm and is filed under book, street photos.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

freash pants

Some work with a local school, helping the kids resurface the toilets. So that they become their toilets. None too shabby a result given the heady mix of low skills and high enthusiasms. here follows some fragments...
grls cockaprogress

grls cockatoos

Gang gang
