nibbling at the architecture; byrdsongs

This is basically an electronic notebook.Mostly urban detritus and journal motives, my thinkings and supporting pictures.Have a look make a comment.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Propositional Architecture

Build starting for Placeholder show. The shell is coming along nicely, windows and door handles to follow.

This installation will exist as two discrete components. A cardboard facsimile of a piece of regional architecture, surfaced with a mural.

The period building referenced is a multiuse space, with companion buildings in most suburbs of Canberra. Currently it exists in Aranda as a Scout Hall and Dance Studio. I was drawn to this space for its history of uses - both formal and unsanctioned.

The mural will coalesce from my ongoing studio research, which includes field-test paintings as extensions of my notebooks in urban and suburban spaces across the city.

These paintings are the detritus of my efforts at coalescing a visual language, which echo the mixing, matching, shuffling, repetition and searching of journal exploration. 


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