nibbling at the architecture; byrdsongs

This is basically an electronic notebook.Mostly urban detritus and journal motives, my thinkings and supporting pictures.Have a look make a comment.

Monday, 19 September 2005

big grrl. Posted by Picasa

media zombie 3. Posted by Picasa

better and yet Posted by Picasa

yes well Posted by Picasa

i don't like the character much. Posted by Picasa

small indoor peice Posted by Picasa

Friday, 9 September 2005

Wanted to have a go at this outline, and Narle had this space for over a month with an unfinished piece onit sooo. i actually didnt read it as Narle until acos capt it. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, 7 September 2005

New pannel, and the little annoying breeze today reminded me of the yet to arrive, bane of writers everywhere, windy month of September. Well it is September, what it isn't is consistantly windy. Yet. Posted by Picasa

Detail of figure in new woden piece. Oddly i am not entirely happy with this. Who would have forseen me finishing something and bemoaning its lack of quality?Though i really needed to do some painting today. Posted by Picasa

Unfinished media type (the dead feeding on the living), with polaroid camera. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, 4 September 2005

Finally finished the Dickson production. I like the colours, i like Atunes piece, i think i like my piece and the figure is okay soooo, pretty happy. Oh yeah when we were putting up crew names i wrote moist and urine together without thinking about it(so it reads moist urine). I guess that will be the first bit buffed... Posted by Picasa

So i had been looking at a lot of ecb's work and wanted to have a go at this sort of figure. Its okay, there are some wierd bits its okay.Probably could have been bigger, like twice this size, and and and. Im not puting anymore paint on it so its finished. Posted by Picasa

The green reads HQ, MD. However a number of people have been reading it as byrd(d), and i think i like the idea of doing some pieces like this. Posted by Picasa

Atune piece. Posted by Picasa

byrd piece Posted by Picasa

Finished production in Dickson. Posted by Picasa